Holy Trinity Church
Case postale 1627
14 bis Rue du Mont Blanc

Welcome to Holy Trinity Geneva - hope to see you here very soon. We are a diverse population worshiping in a multicultural city and look forward to meeting you. At the moment we are offering in-church services, with the main service at 10.30am on a Sunday morning. This service is also being streamed via Zoom. The Zoom link and service sheets are on our website We are also offer an in-church service at 9am on a Sunday. Other services take place on Sunday evenings - please see our website for details.
We also offer a Thursday morning Eucharist at 10am in church and we have an online Eucharist every Wednesday morning at 10am. Again, further information is available on our website -
See you online or in person soon!
For a bit of history:
Our church in Geneva proudly traces its origins back to the Marian exiles, a group of Protestant refugees fleeing from persecution during the reign of Mary, the Tudor Catholic Queen of England, in the mid 16th century. Amongst their considerable achievements whilst they lived and worshipped in Geneva was to publish a book of Psalms in English and, in 1560, the Geneva Bible. Many returned to England to play an important role in the development of the Anglican Church under Queen Elizabeth I.
Since that time there has been a fairly continuous English-speaking Protestant presence in Geneva through each ensuing century until the present day. The worship has taken place in three principal locations, namely Calvin’s Auditoire, the Hospital Chapel (now the Palais de Justice in the Bourg de Four) and finally the present building, Holy Trinity Church, consecrated in 1853 on a site donated by the State of Geneva but whose construction was entirely financed by private subscription.
Holy Trinity continues to the present day to be entirely self-supporting financially. By contrast its congregation is now much more diverse. It can claim to be ecumenical in outlook and serve a truly global congregation. Above all the community has maintained its long tradition of a caring ministry to English-speaking people in the area.
Find us
Wednesday Online Eucharist
Lectio Divina
Thursday weekday service in church