
Vocation, is simply another word for the life-shaping commitment God is calling you to.
This calling emerges through a prayerful relationship with God and in conversation with other Christians. An understanding of vocation is informed by experience and develops alongside others who encourage us and share in our discernment.
Vocations within a chaplaincy

It is what we are called by God to be and to do.
For some, this is a specific calling to full-time ministry – to follow a path to ordination. For others, it could mean serving God in a lay role while continuing another career. Youth and children’s ministers, readers, evangelists, missionaries, pioneers, and community workers are usually lay ministers, although some are ordained.
The three areas of Christian vocation
The Church of England has come to understand Christian vocation in three areas:
Social vocations - our place within the workplace and the community and how we contribute to the common good;
Relational vocations - our calling in relationship to God and other people such as family, friends and neighbours;
Ministerial vocations - our calling to serve and build up the church community and equip it for mission.
Explore roles within the church, like Readers, churchwardens, Youth and children’s ministers, deacons and priests below.

Exploring vocation