Our links with other organisations

Our links with other organisations
The Diocese of Europe, as part of the Church of England, seeks to work with other church traditions to make our unity in Christ visible. We believe that by working with other Churches, we can have a greater impact in our communities and in society as a whole. We are committed to joining with our ecumenical links Ecumenical/Ecumenism Of or referring to cooperation between branches of the Christian church with different beliefs or traditions. in discipleship, mission and worship.
Our links
In the Church of England ecumenical work is organised by the Council for Christian Unity. It seeks to promote and further effective ecumenical work at all levels of the Church and to advise those in leadership. Details of provision for ecumenical co-operation can be found in the Diocesan Handbook.

Global perspective
As part of the Church of England, the diocese is involved with the World Council of Churches, which is based in Switzerland. Bishop Robert is a member of the WWC's Central Committee.
Our chaplaincies are in nations across continental Europe and beyond where Anglicanism is a minority Christian tradition. We seek to maintain good relations with other Christian traditions in those nations.
For a global perspective of ecumenical work involving the Anglican church and other church traditions, read more on the Anglican Communion website.