Prayer and worship

Worship is fundamental to life – it’s what we were made for. Prayer, praise, service: these aspects of worship build us up spiritually and deepen our relationship with God.
In public liturgy and private prayer we express our theology, and delight in our identity as God’s children.
The Prayer Diary
We produce a prayer diary which provides prayers every day for chaplaincies around the diocese. It helps us to pray together for one another and for our common concerns. You can find the diary in various ways: it is available on the Prayermate App; on our social media platforms and on this website.

Liturgy and Prayer resources

Services in French

Ukraine Resources
Worship texts and resources
Liturgical worship is considered one of the glories of the Church of England. The term liturgy refers to the patterns, forms, words and actions through which public worship is conducted.
You can find extensive links to the worship resources, such as the festivals and commemorations from the Common Worship on the Church of England website.