Lay Learning course

The course is open to all to view by clicking on 'Guest Access'. For those wishing to fully participate, please fill out the registration form, or for more information, contact Polly Freeman, Ministry Team Administrator at
This multimedia course, Walking Together in Faith, is open to all lay members of the Church – whether they are simply looking to learn more about the Christian faith or exploring the possibility of formal lay ministry.
It is divided into four modules, each comprising five units. The modules run consecutively over a 12-month period.
It has been designed to be flexible and is accessible via the online platform Moodle. Participants are encouraged to join a local group to study, but for those who can’t, there are online options.
Participants can also choose their level of engagement: they can use the course as a free study guide but, they can also register, submit work for assessment and be awarded a Bishop’s Certificate in recognition of their achievements. There is no fee for this course but participants are invited to send a donation to the diocesan account earmarked Lay Learning Course.
The course was launched in the autumn of 2022 under the leadership of the Diocesan Director of Lay Discipleship, Dr Clare Amos. It is very much a grass roots rather than top-down project. It was created in response to demand within our chaplaincies and is the ideal follow up to an Alpha Course, confirmation classes or the Church of England’s Pilgrim Course.
Details on the course to share can be found here
2024 course dates
This year the online sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm CET:
Module One: September 17, October 1, 15, 29, November 12
Module Two: November 26, December 10, January 14, 28, February 11
Module Three: February 25, March 11, 25, April 8, 29
Module Four: May 13, 27, June 17, July 1, 15
Accessing the course
You access the Moodle course materials here.
Click ‘log in as a guest’ for free access to the interactive course materials.
Download and complete the registration form below for enhanced access to the Moodle material, and to be invited to the online teaching sessions.
Please submit the form by 10th September if possible.
Lay Learning registration Form