Children and youth ministry

Youth workers, children's workers, chaplains and our volunteers with young people play an important role in supporting the spiritual growth of our young people, helping them to grow as faith champions.
Youth Network Newsletter
Download our latest edition here or via the button below.
This newsletter includes information, exciting opportunities and resources for youth leaders, including:
- Network Meetings
- Chill and Chat
- Taize Trip
- Youth Intern opportunity
- Social Media and resources
To receive these emails straight to your inbox, contact:
Stephen Murray, Youth Network Co-ordinator
Deadline extended to 10th February!
Do you have young people aged between 15 & 30 who would like to spend a week with other young people from around the world? Then check out our Road trip to Taizé 2025 at the end of July.
Download a copy of the poster and share it with your youth group.
From the Head of Children and Youth Ministry Development:
The role that you play in our chaplaincies is vital if we are to fire up passionate, creative, inclusive young people who will form the future leaders of our church here in Europe. We can all name 1 person, when we were young, who encouraged us in our faith and built up our confidence to share the love of Christ with those around us. And just as we were built up in our younger days, so the responsibility falls to us to build up the faith of our young people in our communities today, helping them to grow spiritually, feel comfortable in the culture in which they live, become faith champions amongst their peers, and inspire them to engage with the church and have a passion to explore their own vocation to lead the church in Europe into the future.
For those charged with this most important task - whether through paid employment or in a voluntary capacity - fulfilling this role in a diocese as vast as Europe can be challenging and at times can seem overwhelming and isolating. Questions may arise such as: Are there other leaders working with our young people facing the challenges I face? Or are there resources that others use that could make my life just a little easier?
That is where the children and youth ministry network comes in. Its focus is to:
- Enabling anyone who works with our young people to meet as a community and know they are not alone;
- Sharing the successes and challenges of working with young people from such a wide and diverse area;
- Sharing resources and ideas to make life that little bit easier;
- Offering training and updates on local and national initiatives.
We also have an exciting five-year strategy which we hope will allow us to encourage and support out essential workers, not just online, but in person and through retreats. And to support our young people through their own networks, retreats and engagement with church and Diocese at all levels. WATCH THIS SPACE!!
If you have recently joined the diocese, then you are very welcome; know that we are here to support you in your ministry.
If you're already working with our young people; then we thank you for all you do and we pray God´s richest blessings upon your ministry; and if you haven’t yet been to a network meeting - then you're missing out!!
Contact our Head of Strategy, Children and Youth Ministry, Revd Iain Bendrey to be added to the mailing group and receive details of when the youth network meets, join the Facebook page to see what others are doing, and if you just want to say hello, or ask more about how to inspire our young people, then please get in touch!
May God bless you richly in this vital ministry and again, thank you.
Revd Iain Bendrey,
Head of Strategy, Children and Youth Ministry
It's the role of chaplaincies across our diocese to nurture the spiritual growth of these young people, give them the confidence to live out their faith where they live, study and socialise, and inspire them into being the future leaders that the church needs.
Our young people are the future leaders of the church. Without them, the church will struggle to survive.
Explore a collection of children & youth picks for books, apps, websites and other resources to develop your youth work.
Support for Leaders & Volunteers

Children & Youth Ministry Network Gatherings
Dates in 2025:
27 January
27 March
27 May
17 July
17 September
27 November
If you are not already part of the Network and would like to receive the zoom link, please email:

Sharing and support
To support one another in prayer and informal conversation, there are regular 'Chill and Chat' zooms. Dates for 2025 are:
25 Feb.
19 Jun
15 Oct.
To receive the link, please email:

Revd Iain Bendrey
Before working with children, volunteers and paid workers are required to complete online safeguarding training to be able to recognise, prevent or act on any safeguarding issues that may arise. To enrol on a course you need to set up a username and password on the safeguarding portal. You will then be able to select the relevant courses (see below). Once a course has been completed you will receive an online certificate - this should be shared with your chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer.
Chaplaincy workers with children/vulnerable adults (paid or volunteer) need to complete the Basic Awareness Course (Level 1) and Foundation Course (Level 2, part 1)
Leaders/supervisors of work with children/vulnerable adults (paid or volunteer) need to complete the Basic Awareness Course (Level 1) , the Foundation Course (Level 2, part 1) AND the Leadership Course (Level 2, part 2).