Bishop David's final address to the diocese
Bishop David's final address to the diocese can be read below. This was a part of a 'Service of Prayer, Thanksgiving, and Sending Out' for Bishop David, alongside his Chaplain, Revd Canon Deacon Frances Hiller. The full service can be viewed here.
"Friends, I can hardly believe that we've reached this particular moment. And here we are.
Thank you so much to all of you for coming to this service this afternoon and for gathering online as friends from across this wonderful faith community we call the Diocese in Europe and those who have joined also from beyond the diocese.
It means a lot to me, for you to have taken the time to be here tonight. So that formally I could say farewell, and thank you to the diocese and to each one of you for all that you have given to me these past 22 years as I now leave stipendiary Episcopal Ministry.
Thank you, Bishop Robert for leading tonight's liturgy and for your gracious words of reflection and of course for being such an excellent and supportive colleague and friend.
Thank you also to Deacon Francis for soldiering on with me to the end.
The only really important part of my role over these last 22 years the only bit that I think has been really important and it's really at the heart of Episcopal Ministry Episcopal Ministry is the responsibility that a bishop has to help people to be faithful disciples and friends of Jesus Christ.
The way that I tried to do this is nothing new. It's as old as the church itself celebrating the sacraments with you, preaching the gospel and teaching the Apostolic Faith and shepherding guiding you along the way of Christ. Everything else that I have done in these past few years is secondary to that.
So thank you for the opportunity tonight to have my final act, a moment when I can lead you in the reaffirmation of our baptismal vows because that's what binds us to our Lord as His friends and what binds us to each other in Christ's holy Catholic Church.
And I do need to say that, if over these years, I have offended or hurt any of you in any way, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I am deeply sorry and humbly ask your forgiveness.
There have been so many expressions of kindness and appreciation since my announcement last September, all of which have been deeply moving. I have not been able to respond to them all due to the frenetic activity of the past months. But I take this chance tonight to thank you for all that you have said and all that you've written and what you have expressed in so many ways. For every kind thing you have said to me, I believe is reflected back on you because it has been a shared journey.
It has been a walking together and in this joint pilgrimage over these years you have shaped me and shaped my ministry.
So thank you for leaving your mark upon me.
Francois Mauriac said “No love, no friendship can ever cross the path of our destiny, without leaving some mark upon us forever.”
So in conclusion, I thank all of you once again for your prayers support over these two decades.
And of course, for me this departure brings a huge hole in my heart.
But in so many ways, what will remain with me is the grace and generosity of God that I have experienced through you and in being one of your bishops.
So please continue to pray for me and for Deacon Francis, as we will for you.