Clergy vacancies

Skilled and experienced clergy are vital to the wellbeing of our communities. We offer exceptional opportunities in diverse communities and a wide range of locations. Bear in mind that ministry in the Diocese in Europe can be challenging, and our clergy need to be resourceful and resilient. You don't have to be a brilliant linguist but you will require fluent English, and to get a visa you will likely need some ability in the relevant local language. We recruit full-time and part-time clergy, as well as interim and locum priests.
General information
Enquiries about a vacancy should be directed to the person detailed in the advertisement. Applicants will be sent a recruitment pack and application form by email. Please note, if the partner of an applicant is ordained this should be indicated so that additional information can be sent if the applicant is selected for interview. Applicants should give details of their competence in other languages, where appropriate. Applicants called for interview will be sent a confidential declaration to be completed and signed.
All applicants should note that proficiency in spoken and written English is required for all licensed clergy.
Personal data submitted with an application will be shared only with staff involved in the recruitment process. Such information is processed and stored in line with GDPR.
Where an application is successful, an offer of employment is conditional upon the completion of the Confidential Declaration and the provision of supporting documents necessary for the post. These will be set out on application.
The Diocese in Europe welcomes applications from women and from candidates with a Global Majority Heritage (GMH); these are currently under-represented in the diocese.
Interviews and travel expenses
Interviews take place in London, Brussels or the chaplaincy itself. For priests within the Church of England, Church in Wales, Church of Ireland and Scottish Episcopal Church, travel expenses to interview will be reimbursed in full. For priests from other provinces of the Anglican Church travelling expenses will be reimbursed from the port of entry into the country where the interview is being held.