Half-time Chaplain for St Luke's, Fontainebleau, France
This half stipend post (four days per week) is based on our vision of:
- Being a united community that lives the grace, forgiveness, and inclusivity of the Gospel, strengthening faith and growing spiritually as Christians.
- Being seen as God’s people as part of the Diocese in Europe and the wider Anglican Communion.
- Growing the congregation by welcoming more families.
- Being more present and helpful (hands on) in the local community.
- Creating a stronger prayer network.
- Developing the music ministry in the church.
- Teaching the Christian faith through discovery courses such as Alpha
Our ideal new priest will have at least 3 years experience of responsibility for leading a parish and be an inspiring and enthusiastic leader. Be open, warm, energetic, inspired by the Holy Spirit and the Love of Jesus Christ, ready for a challenge and with the ability to work well with others. We would like to find a person of prayer who is able to make prayer central to the life of the worshiping community and one who is able to create an atmosphere of welcome for all ages. In return we offer an attractive package, including a half-stipend, suitable accommodation, medical coverage under the excellent French medical programme for the priest and his/her family. Pension contributions, a share of the utilities and usual expenses are included.
For an informal conversation please contact:
The Venerable Dr Peter Hooper Archdeacon for France, Monaco and Switzerland
Email: peter.hooper@europe.anglican.org Telephone: +44 78 45 20 52 83
For a recruitment pack and the chaplaincy profile please contact:
Ms. Barbara Omoro – Appointments Secretary The Diocese in Europe Email: europe.appointments@europe.anglican.org