Helpful resources for chaplaincies working with refugees

These resources have been suggested and used by those across our diocese. If you have further resources that you have found useful, please do share those with the communications team who can add links here.
Please note that these links will navigate you away from this site, and we have no responsibility over their content.
Theology and study
USPG has a church study guide based on refugee stories
Prayer and worship resources
Information, Intercessions and Ideas published by Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME)
Background reading
Borders and belonging, Padraig O’Tuama and Glenn Jordan,
A Study of the Book of Ruth (excellent study guide for small church groups).
A Nazareth Manifesto, Sam Wells
Hostile Environment, Maya Goodfellow
The Wealth of Refugees, Alexander Betts
Faithward: Migration Story-telling project
Inter-Faith Rise: Various resources, based in America
Practical resources and networks for churches
Refugee Resource Centre for Churches
Diocese in Europe monthly drop-in sessions
A drop-in session open to any chaplaincy who is engaged in work with refugees or interested in developing local projects. A way to connect with others in the diocese, learn from each other and share support and prayer together.
These are held the first Thursday of the month on Zoom link here.