How do we support our Chaplains?

The Church of England is committed to supporting clergy health and well-being. To this end ‘The Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing’ was made an act of Synod at the 2020 Group of Sessions of the General Synod. The vision is that the work of supporting clergy in their ministry will become an integral part of the life of the Church and part of the DNA of every aspect of our mission and ministry The detail can be found here: Clergy Covenant detail.
The Diocese in Europe wholeheartedly shares this commitment and, as requested by General Synod, the December 2020 meeting of the Diocesan Synod formally ‘proclaimed’ the Covenant. The Covenant is a practical way of carrying forward our response to the extensive confidential survey on clergy wellbeing organised by the chairs of the diocesan houses of clergy and laity undertaken in 2018.
That survey showed two clear needs:
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