Bishop Robert attends the retirement of Archbishop Ian Ernest

For the last five years, The Most Revd. Ian Ernest, Archbishop of the Indian Ocean, has served as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Personal Representative to the Vatican and Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome. Helen and I were delighted to be visiting the Eternal City to honour +Ian’s ministry, to mark his retirement and to wish him well for his return to his home in Mauritius.

The Anglican Centre functions as an Anglican embassy to the Roman Catholic Church. It was founded in 1966 following an historic meeting between Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Michael Ramsey. The Centre endeavours to represent the whole of the Anglican Communion, not just the Church of England. It is linked to the Anglican Communion Office (ACO), and the picture above shows Archbishop Ian in conversation with Dr. Christopher Wells, Director of Unity, Faith and Order at the ACO.

Archbishop Ian’s retirement was marked with a service of Vespers on the Friday evening at the majestic Basilica of St. Paul’s Without the Walls, which is built over the tomb of St. Paul the apostle. The service was conducted in the presence of the Archbishop of York and presided over by Cardinal James Harvey. To be given a farewell event in this remarkable building, and on the eve of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, was a great honour and tribute to +Ian’s work.

Archbishop Ian’s ministry has been characterised by friendship and hospitality, in which his wife, Kamla (right) has played a major role. The Anglican Centre became their home, and they shared it generously with many guests.

On the Saturday evening we were invited to a second Vespers at St. Paul’s Without the Walls, this time presided over by His Holiness Pope Francis and with music led by the Sistine Chapel Choir. The presence of the Holy Father ensured that the Basilica, the second largest in Rome after St. Peter’s, was full. Anglicans were treated with especial courtesy, and I felt honoured to be given a front row seat.

The cardinals were resplendent in their scarlet robes!

St Paul, the apostle to the gentiles, initiated the expansion of the church far beyond the bounds of Judaism. He also preached, laboured and urged ways of holding together this church as it spread out into pagan lands. Unity was a key theme for Paul, and he wrote about it in many of his letters. It was therefore deeply symbolic to be gathered together with Christians from many denominations, on the festival of the Conversion of St. Paul, in the Basilica which is so particularly associated with his memory.
Over this festival weekend, we gave thanks for Archbishop Ian’s ministry in Rome. And as this year’s week of prayer for Christian Unity now comes to an end, we continue to pray that – despite the many challenges and stresses the church faces – she may ever more fully realise her destiny to be one, just as our Trinitarian God is one.
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