Confirmation in Algarve
Taken from Bishop David's blog here.
As COVID restrictions gradually have been lifting across the diocese since last autumn, parish visits have resumed. In some cases I have been catching up with visits that had to be postponed many months or longer, due to the pandemic. Although we have taken to Zoom quite well as a diocese, recent surveys in the Church of England have shown that the majority of Anglicans prefer physical gatherings for worship, over virtual services, even though the latter serve us well in our time of need.
However the sacrament of Confirmation cannot be celebrated over zoom! Across the diocese candidates have been patiently waiting to receive this apostolic rite, in some cases having been prepared months beforehand, until such time when a physical gathering would be possible once again,
St Vincent's Algarve was the venue for one such service in January. In the beautiful church dedicated to Our Lady of Light, candidates affirmed their baptismal promises as they gathered around the font and received chrismation and laying on of hands to strengthen them in their life in Christ.