Creationtide 2023 in the Diocese in Europe – our top tips!

From 1 September to 4 October, the annual Christian celebration known as Creationtide, or the Season of Creation, is set to unfold.
Many chaplaincies in the Diocese in Europe are championing climate change by taking steps that we can all adopt, like participating in clean-ups, planting trees, and opting for locally sourced flowers. Watch their suggestions for simple swaps we can all take in the video below.
Other ideas include taking public transport, for instance, our Chaplain in Helsinki, who sold his car to embrace a more environmentally conscious lifestyle, or Christ Church in Heiloo, Netherlands, where they have switched to organic and fair-trade coffee. We’ve created two further 30 second videos sharing these tips here and here.
This year, the global Season of Creations focus revolves around the theme, 'Let Justice and Peace Flow Like a River', inspired by the biblical verse from Amos 5:24: "But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream." Watch the official launch of the SOC 2023: #SeasonofCreation 2023 theme launch.
The question is: What small step can your chaplaincy do to care for creation? Let us know by emailing or by tagging us in your social media posts, just like Holy Trinity, Brussels! Use the tags @Dioceseineurope and #Creationtide2023
For more support see our diocesan caring for creation pages.