#LightForUkraine: Prayer Initiative

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We move from Lent to Easter. But the need for constant prayer for Ukraine remains. The support for our online vigils during Lent was remarkable. Many thousands joined us over those weeks. Now as we begin the Easter season our Diocese will continue praying, in a different mode, for our Ukrainian Sisters and Brothers, those in Moscow and all who are suffering in this war.
Every Wednesday we will post prayers and other resources on our website and on social media. We ask you to take a moment, perhaps at 1800 CET, to light a candle and say a prayer.
If possible send us a photo. It could be of your candle or of some element of your location (garden, significant building, holy place).
Send your picture to Communications@europe.anglican.org or post it on social media tagging it @dioceseineurope with #LightForUkraine.
Add a one-sentence text if you wish. That way we can continue a sense of prayerful solidarity across the Diocese and way beyond.