Meet our ordinands: John Wilson

On 1 - 2 July we will be welcoming three brand-new clergy to the diocese. This week, learn more about the stories and experiences of the cohort as we share their stories each day.
John Wilson, who is to serve as Assistant Curate at St Margaret’s Church, Budapest, shares his story.
“Having made a complete mess of my life by the time I arrived at university in Chicago; it did not take long before I hit rock-bottom. Standing outside a nightclub on a wintry night, as the music blared inside and the snow descended silently around me I made two life-altering decisions: to follow Christ instead of rebelling against God and everyone else, and to give my life in the service of others - striving to have a positive influence on the lives of those around me in contrast to the hitherto negative influence that I had become. Both decisions were, quite literally, sobering.
“For the past two decades, I have served in Hungary as a missionary including helping rebuild the National Alpha Office. Primarily working with the Roman Catholic Church, but also with all the various other Christian denominations in Hungary. The importance and urgency of church revitalisation continues to grow in my mind and heart.
“After I helped replant a church that was on the verge of closing its doors, I could no longer ignore the 'still small voice' that had been whispering to my spirit for many years with a message that I did not want to hear: that I should explore ordination.
"But, with the gentle prodding of colleagues, family, friends, and my Spiritual Director, I decided to at least test the waters and entered the discernment process.
“Over the course of my discernment process and training I realised that while my experience of the universal church was significant, my experience of the Anglican church was less so. Consequently, I threw myself into gaining as much exposure to the various wings of the Church of England that I could possibly squeeze into two years. This included a six-month stint of residential training in Cambridge, living at Westcott House with my family and cycling over to Ridley Hall every morning for classes, participating in the Ministry Formation Course at St George’s College in Jerusalem, spending Holy Week at Canterbury Cathedral on the Ordinands Course, and indirectly by moving to Rome for a semester, as I engaged in an ecumenical placement at the Pontifical Beda College.
“While there is still much to learn, I am grateful for so many amazing opportunities that I have had the privilege of experience.
“Finally, after ordination, I am greatly looking forward to continuing serving at St Margaret’s in Budapest. God is doing something extraordinary in our chaplaincy, with a growing congregation, and Chaplain, Fr. Frank Hegedus.”
If you are interested in exploring your calling as a Christian, or if you'd just like to find out more about the ordination process, please visit the diocese's webpage on ministry.