New Diocesan Head of Children and Youth Ministry Development

We are very excited to be able to announce that the Reverend Iain Bendrey, Assistant Chaplin in Lisbon, has been appointed as the new Head of Children and Youth Ministry Development. Here he discusses his new role;
“It is a privilege to have been asked by Bishop Robert to take on the role as Head of Children and Youth Ministry Development for the next 18 months (I know, what a mouthful!). We can all name 1 person, when we were young, who encouraged us in our faith and built up our confidence to share the love of Christ with those around us. I particularly valued the opportunity to lead worship and the young people in my church which set me up for exploring my vocation and eventually becoming an ordained, self-supporting minister, currently Assistant Chaplain, in Lisbon.
And just as we were built up in our younger days, so the responsibility falls to us to build up the faith of our young people in our communities today, helping them to grow spiritually, feel comfortable in the culture in which they live, become faith champions amongst their peers, and inspire them to engage with the church and have a passion to explore their own vocation to lead the church in Europe into the future.
Since arriving in Europe nearly 4 years ago, I have had the pleasure of meeting many faithful and talented volunteers and workers who support our young people. I have also worked on developing a 5-year strategy to grow children and youth ministry across the Diocese. This is the number 1 priority for the Church of England, and they are committing a lot of money in grants for strategies that seek to double the number of young, active disciples.
The strategy recognises that this kind of ministry can only be delivered from a local level. It begins with research, and I hope by now that you have all received and completed the survey that was sent out by Youthscape.
At the more local level, the aim is that every chaplaincy that has children and young people in their communities can offer some form of ministry. Whether this is through expanding Godly Play or through the employment of a regional children and youth champion for each Archdeaconry. These champions will offer youth work remotely to chaplaincies that are seeking to develop a ministry but do not have the resources or volunteers to do so. We will also develop training hubs where there is excellent practice in children and youth ministry which others can learn from.
For our amazing, dedicated volunteers and workers in this ministry, I recognise that it can be a lonely, difficult job. So, the aim is to develop networks that will link workers together to share ideas and resources. To offer regular training in all aspects of youthwork. And to provide an annual retreat for all those who work with young people to gather and be refreshed.
And not forgetting the young people themselves. The strategy seeks to involve them in all aspects of the Diocese. Initially through the development of a Youth Synod and feeding into Diocesan Synod. Also to ensure, where appropriate, that they have a voice on those groups in the Diocese that decide policy. It seeks to develop a leadership programme to encourage young people to begin to explore leadership in the church context, a pretext to MES and vocation. To offer work placements and to be able to attend an annual retreat that enables them to network, encourage and inspire each other in their discipleship.
And all this, most importantly, takes place in a safe environment where attention to safeguarding our young people and those who work and volunteer with them is a priority.
It is an exciting time ahead for our children and youth ministry. Beginning to develop our future leaders who, I pray, can transcend the divisions that distract the Church from its mission, and lead our churches and build God´s kingdom here in the amazing Diocese in Europe."
Please join in prayers of thanks for Iain and the vital work that he is and will be doing in our diocese.