Would you like to join our EDEN VOICE group?

The need to listen to and support victims and survivors is central to the work we do in Safeguarding across our diocese.
We want to ensure that the voices of victims and survivors are integral to the work we do in all our chaplaincies.
Eden Voice stands for advocacy in safeguarding, particularly supporting victims and survivors’ “healing and holding” needs. Eden Voice members are volunteers from different cultural, ethical and gender backgrounds who respond to this need by advocating the voice of victims and survivors of church based abuse. All our members are trained in safeguarding.
We are seeking new members to join us.
Practically, we get together once a month (online) for prayer and actions: (the first Tuesday of the month, 5 pm to 6 pm CET.) We are advising and advocating to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team (DST). Currently our members are from Belgium, France, Malta, and Switzerland. We welcome new members from different backgrounds and countries who are part of the Diocese in Europe or further on. We are happy to receive requests of interest. There are no pre-requirements but we expect all our members to go through safeguarding training from the Church of England.
Please let us know of any questions or if you’d like to consider joining us by emailing europe.safeguarding@churchofengland.org