Paying expenses and taking leave

This User Guide provides advice to Chaplaincies in dealing with the important matters of how we should be making sure that ‘expenses’ and the arrangements for ‘taking leave’ are properly understood.
All organisations work more effectively where there is a clear understanding of what is required of whom. The Diocese and Chaplaincies are no different, and having in place sensible arrangements can prevent difficulties arising from misunderstandings. The Diocese requires that formal agreements are set out in the ‘terms and conditions' which set and which set out clearly what are the overall expectations. It will be agreed with the Chaplain at the time of appointment and any variation must be agreed with the chaplain and in consultation with the Archdeacon.
This User Guide provides further information and in particular provides prompts to some of the more detailed matters which could benefit from local agreement with the Chaplain. Where local agreements are reached then these are always best recorded in some way so that there can be no misunderstandings at a later date.
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