Supporting Ukraine

On 24 February 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began. Three years on, the people of Ukraine continue to need our prayers and our support. Please find stories and prayers on this page to use and share with your church communities.
We invite churches and individuals to use and share the prayers on this page as part of your own services, or to mark the anniversary on 24th February. Here we have prayers written by members of the congregation of Christ Church, Kyiv, and a prayer to mark the anniversary.
Your help is still needed as we support people affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Since its launch in 2022, the appeal by USPG and the Diocese in Europe has been instrumental in providing vital assistance to those in Ukraine and those who have left. Please share the short videos below which tell the stories of projects which our appeal has supported.
Your contributions continue to make a significant difference by providing essential funds for relief efforts and supporting long-term recovery initiatives. Together, we can offer hope and practical support to those impacted by this crisis.

The second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine
Please do not forget the people of Ukraine. Hold them in your prayers.

The voices of Ukrainian refugees
A prayer for all those affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine

Prayer by Ukrainian Refugee, Nataliya Yesaulenko

Daily Reflections by Christ Church, Kyiv
The Lord's Prayer in Ukrainian
Отче наш, що єси на небесах,
Нехай святиться Ім'я Твоє.
Хай прийде Царство Твоє,
нехай буде воля Твоя
Як на небі, так і на землі
Хліб наш насущний дай нам сьогодні.
І прости нам провини наші,
як і ми прощаємо винуватцям нашим.
І не введи нас у спокусу,
але визволи нас від лукавого.
Бо Твоє є Царство, і сила, і слава