Safeguarding team
Find out more about the work of the Safeguarding team here or contact them via email
Grace Fagan-Stewart
Grace takes overall responsibility for the diocese safeguarding work and staff members; providing advice to The Bishop and other church officers when allegations or concerns and other safeguarding matters arise, disseminating guidance on safeguarding matters for church officers in the diocese and across the chaplaincies, overseeing and co-ordinating the provision of training on safeguarding matters, co-ordinating the work of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Committee (DSAC), promoting good practice on safeguarding matters.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 1163 / Mob: +44 (0)7425 536 259

Andy Munro
Andy's role is to ensure that allegations of abuse are properly managed and recorded, with appropriate referral to relevant statutory authorities. He also provides appropriate advice, risk assessment and other safeguarding support to Chaplaincies, and to survivors/victims of abuse. He works to ensure that offenders returning to the community and others that may pose a risk are appropriately supported and managed, and supports the clergy as required across the Diocese.
T: +44 (0)20 7898 1159

Bridgett Fenton
Bridgett’s main duties are to support the development and delivery of diocesan responsibilities within safeguarding policy and practice guidance. Bridgett responds to enquiries that may or may not amount to allegations of abuse are properly assessed, actioned, managed and recorded, with appropriate referral to safeguarding managers and relevant statutory authorities for more detailed investigation and/or approval. Bridgett works five days per week.
T: +44 (0)20 7898 1446

Nicholas Sherratt
Nick is responsible for carrying out safeguarding checks for all clergy and senior lay church officers, a sometimes complex operation in a diocese that covers over 40 countries and draws people from across the globe. Nick works five days per week.
T: +44 (0)7443 781 321

Craig Norman
Craig is responsible for the administration of the Leadership training courses for the diocese, and is also a course facilitator. He enjoys meeting and interacting with course participants from across the diocese and beyond. He also provides general administrative support to the Safeguarding Team and is our technical "go-to".
M: +44 (0)7464 544 715