The Entente Cordiale between the UK and France was renewed as English Bells rang out in sympathy and solidarity with the people of Paris after Notre-Dame Cathedral was ravaged by fire on 15th April.
In the aftermath of the fire that ravaged the Notre Dame de Paris, Bishop Robert spoke of his deep shock in his Chrism Eucharist address given at St Michael's Church, Paris.
Easter celebrates an earth shattering event. The most decisive, unique event in the history of the world. The raising of one dead, from the dead after he had been buried.
We are delighted to announce that on 26th of March 2019 at Palazzo Chigi the Treaty (Intesa) between the Republic of Italy and the Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra “ACDI” (which represents the Church of England in Italy) was signed.
Bishop Robert has blessed and commissioned the new Spiritual Directors at a Eucharist at St. Columba’s House, Woking, that marked the conclusion of the Spiritual Direction course.