Youth Resources

Young people will have their own reactions and interpretations of the Nicene Creed of course. Here are some ideas to help youth leaders to begin to engage their groups in activities which will prompt both learning and discussion. With thanks to St Nicholas Church, Helsinki for these ideas:
Youth starter for Council of Nicea Session
Before looking at the disagreements that formed the background to the Council of Nicea, you could start with a speed game of matching famous rivals (you can have images or words on squares of paper). Here are some ideas:
- Coke vs Pepsi
- Batman vs the Joker
- T’Challa vs Killmonger
- Kanye West vs Taylor Swift
- Iron Man vs Captain America
- Microsoft vs Apple
- Nike vs Reebok
- Anakin vs Obi wan
- McDonald’s vs Burger King
- Harry Potter vs Voldemort
You can also challenge the kids to come up with 5 more rivalries that they know of - they could be musical or political for example.
Crafts for younger children
How about an 'I Believe Mobile'?
Printable materials and background to the Nicene Creed
Activities and printable materials here from 'Out upon the waters'