Consecration and Installation of the new Suffragan Bishop in Europe

We are looking forward to two wonderful celebrations for our new Suffragan Bishop, Revd Canon Andrew Norman. We ask for your prayers for Andrew and his family over the coming weeks and throughout his Consecration and Installation.
His Consecration takes place at 11.00am GMT on Thursday February 27th at Canterbury Cathedral.
This can be watched live on the live stream here
The consecration service is when Andrew becomes a Bishop. During the service, other bishops will place their hands on his head as a sign that they are passing on their authority. There are prayers, hymns, and Bible readings, and the new bishop makes promises to serve faithfully and follow the Church’s teachings. After being consecrated, Andrew will put on his official robes and is given a special staff, which represents his leadership and responsibility.
Following his Consecration, we will welcome him to the diocese officially on Sunday March 2nd at his Installation at Holy Trinity, Gibraltar at 11.00 CET
The Live stream of this will be available here on the day
The installation service is a formal ceremony that takes place in the cathedral of our diocese and marks the beginning of his ministry in our diocese.