Installation of Bishop Andrew

On Sunday March 2nd, Bishop Andrew was installed at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Gibraltar. This service welcomed him into the Diocese in Europe. He was joined at the service by people from across the diocese alongside ecumenical and local civic guests. The service was live streamed so people across Europe and the UK could watch and pray for Bishop Andrew in his new role.
This followed Bishop Andrew's consecration in Canterbury Cathedral on 27th February
Bishop Andrew reflected on his consecration and the weekend:
“The prospect of being a bishop in the Diocese in Europe is both exciting and daunting – especially in these challenging times. So after being taken solemnly through the long list of bishop’s duties by the Archbishop, it was heartening to hear him say out loud that ‘you cannot bear the weight of this calling in your own strength, but only by the grace and power of God’. It was all the more encouraging to be joined at the service by future and past colleagues, along with family and friends, knowing that they – and many more around the diocese – were adding their prayers to those of the bishops for the anointing of God’s Spirit.
’Bishop Robert, the Bishop in Europe shared: “This has been a wonderful long weekend, centred on a Consecration in Canterbury and Installation in Gibraltar. It marks the dawn of a new era of episcopal ministry in the Diocese in Europe. Inspired by these joyful, spirit-filled events, we look forward in hope to a diocesan future in which we are ever more conformed to the pattern of our Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of God the Father.”
In his first sermon as Bishop, Andrew described how everyone can experience the life-changing glory of God.
“This is my prayer, as I begin my ministry as a bishop: That, here in Gibraltar and across the diocese, we will each experience more of God’s glory and that we’ll allow this to light up our own lives and the lives of those we come into contact with however stormy or calm our everyday circumstances may be.”
Bishop Andrew’s cope (the clerical cape he wears) reflects the Diocese in Europe. In the design, the words ‘Declare God’s glory among the nations’ is included in 20 different languages. Bishop Robert’s cope has a similar design with the words ‘Glory to God’ included in 20 different languages.
A recording of the service can be viewed here: 2nd March - Installation and welcome of Bishop Andrew Norman (the cathedral apologises for some microphone problems experienced on the day).
Please continue in your prayers for our new Suffragan Bishop as he settles into his new role.