Creationtide: A Call to eco action – where to begin?

This Creationtide (an annual month-long event in the Christian calendar) we are promoting practical steps that chaplaincies can take to better steward God’s earth.
Bishop Robert, drawing inspiration from Psalm 115 in Morning Prayer on 31 August said: “The verse is a clear signal of the relationship we are to have with the created order – God has given us charge of it, to care for it on his behalf; we are to steward the earth, not abuse it. We have the Creation as a sacred trust from the Creator, so to care for the Creation is not an optional extra, but a mandate from the God we serve and worship.”
Archdeacon David Waller, chair of the Caring for Creation working group, said: “Working for our care for God’s creation, seeking an active sustainability and nurture of the gift that we have been given, is nothing less than our expression of loving our neighbours as ourselves. How can we love others and yet ignore the way that they live in a world where there is an abundance of resources for all of us. It’s at the heart of our faith as Christian people.”
We often hear chaplaincies ask ‘where can we begin?’ Our videos this year share some small tips which are already making a difference across our diocese.
One way for chaplaincies to engage in caring for creation is through the Eco Church scheme. This program equips chaplaincies to nurture God's creation across five key areas:
Worship and teaching
Management of church buildings
Management of church land
Community and global engagement
Chaplaincies can be recognised for their efforts by completing an online survey and achieving an Eco Church Award at either the bronze, silver, or gold level.
As of the end of 2022, the Church of England had 1,155 Bronze, 401 Silver, and 23 Gold Eco Churches. Within our diocese, 14 chaplaincies have enrolled in the scheme. The Diocese in Europe office itself has attained a bronze Eco-Diocese award, with 10 chaplaincies securing bronze awards and an additional 4 chaplaincies earning silver awards.
Learn more at an upcoming Eco Church webinar on Thursday, 14 September, from 12-1pm BST - Register here
A previous webinar is available for you to watch the recording here.
This session is for you if you're curious about Eco Church but haven't started yet and want to learn more. The webinar will address fundamental questions like "What is Eco Church? Why should we participate? How does the award scheme operate? Where should we begin?"
For more support see our diocesan caring for creation pages.