Friends of the Diocese Autumn Newsletter

Dear Friends,
It has taken me a long while to fully appreciate that life has many mysterious ways and I thought I was a fairly quick learner! Over the years, there have been so many unexpected events or contacts and I have come to understand that when meeting people, by whatever means or in whatever context and you get beyond the ‘hallo, how are you?’ stage, a chance remark sometimes reveals something more in that you have probably shared at one time or another similar experiences with paths crossing quite a few times but not quite connecting at that particular moment. I am sure I am not alone in this type of experience and it is so very pleasurable when it happens. With this in mind, why not come along to the Friends’ Reunion Event where at least you will meet people with whom you at least share membership or an interest in the Diocese in Europe and maybe even similar experiences that led you to join or come along to Southwark Cathedral.
The Friends’ Reunion Event will take place on 21st October with the Friends joining the congregation of Southwark Cathedral for Evensong at 5.30pm BST and then meeting together for refreshments after the service until about 7.30pm in the Garry Weston Library. Bishop Robert will be attending. For catering purposes, please let me know if you intend to come along:
The Honorary Secretary, Friends of the Diocese in Europe, 14 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QZ or
For those not able to attend, please do remember the Friends in your prayers – for safe travel and a joyful event.
For those of you who do not know London particularly well, Southwark Cathedral is very close (walking distance) from London Bridge rail and underground stations.
Until the 21st October when it is hoped some members of the Friends will be able to attend the annual event, I wish you a happy and fruitful autumn season. I say ‘fruitful’ because I shall once again be starting my annual quest for quince; I was unsuccessful last year but I live in hope.
With all good wishes,
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