Racial Justice Sunday 11 February: resources available
This Sunday is Racial Justice Sunday in the Church of England. Racial Justice Sunday is for all churches to reflect on the importance of racial justice, to give thanks for the gifts and beauty of human diversity, and to commit to end racism and acts of discrimination.
Resources for this event for chaplaincies can be found here.
Bishop Robert commends the resources and said: "Like all dioceses, we have been sent material for Racial Justice Sunday. For those able to observe it on the expected day, that will be 11 February – although some chaplaincies may find it difficult to keep that particular date. We do commend the resources to you, but please be aware that they were all written very much from the perspective of the UK, and there are references that only work in that context. Most of us, of course, live in countries which face their own challenges of Racial Justice, and most of the material will transfer easily: we hope that it will be useful. Be aware, too, that our Racial Justice team, headed by Archdeacon Leslie Nathaniel, is always available to help. You can contact them via leslie.nathaniel@europe.anglican.org."