Recognising Refugee Week 2024 across our diocese

Refugee Week is a global, annual festival around World Refugee Day on 20 June. It celebrates the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary and the theme for 2024 is Our Home.
In our diocese, we recognise Refugee Week by encouraging people and chaplaincies to learn more about how they can help and support refugees and sharing stories from some of those in our diocese who are working directly with refugees.
As Refugee Week draws to an end for 2024, here are some of those stories and reflections:
Messages from Calais
Bradon Muilenburg is the Anglican Refugee Support Lead. Based on Calais, his work gives an Anglican presence among the many organisations working with refugees in Northern France. The role is the outcome of a joint partnership between the Diocese in Europe, the Diocese of Canterbury and the Anglican mission agency, USPG. It’s a response to the growing numbers of migrants around the Channel ports in Northern France. Here he shares some thoughts and resources with us:
Reflections from the Reverend Carolyn Cooke
Revd Carolyn Cooke, chaplain of La Cote, Switzerland shares some of her experiences and reflections on working with refugee projects across Europe:
Many projects which support refugees from Ukraine are ongoing – you can find their stories and resources here:
Supporting Ukraine | Diocese in Europe (
Also, at Holy Trinity Brussels, the Community Kitchen works with refugees among many others, and you can read their story here:
We encourage you to share your stories of refugee projects or work in your area, please contact us at