Summer 2023 update from the Friends of the Diocese

Dear Friends
I have just taken the month of June as time away from home and, in an effort to travel fairly lightly (lifting luggage from the carousel not quite so easy these days), decided not to take any books with me and rely on the hotel library of ‘left behind’ books as these usually provide reading matter of a lighter, or slightly shallower nature, than I might usually consider and buy. I was not disappointed and one particular book ended each chapter with a short gratitude list, quite fashionable these days along with mindfulness sessions each day. Personally, I tend to the opinion that both are covered by prayer and counting your blessings. This is a long-winded of saying that if the members of Friends’ Committee were writing a gratitude list today; it might start with gratefulness to the Friends for their patience in waiting for news of the Friends’ Reunion and Service 2023. Here is the good news: there is now a date, time and place.
So, it is time to add the date to your diary and start travel plans.
The date is 18 October. We will be joining the daily service of Evening Prayer at Southwark Cathedral at 5.30pm.
After the service until 7.30 pm, there will be an opportunity to meet together for light refreshments in the Garry Weston Library. For those, who require something more substantial to eat either before or after the service there are plenty of eateries close by.
Bishop Robert will be attending as will members of the Friends’ Committee. As it is such a long time since the Friends were able to meet in person, it is hoped as many of you as possible will come and join us. The Cathedral is adjacent to London Bridge Rail and Underground stations.
Bring a friend or family member with you as it is a case of the more the merrier. The Committee members very much look forward to seeing you.
The Friends’ Committee met on the 30 June and approved a grant of £2,000 each year for three years to support the next cohort of stipendiary curates being ordained and appointed within the diocese this Petertide. The Committee also agreed an extra £1,000 this year to assist with some their relocation costs. So, if you have ever wondered if your ‘investment’ in the diocese by way of your donations pays dividends or makes a difference, it does because at least one of these appointments has come up through from within the diocese from postulant to Ministry Experience Scheme to ordination training to curate. This is a cause for celebration and perhaps adding another item to a gratitude list.
Thank you all so much for your continued support: you have helped to make it all possible.
With all good wishes,