Expectations during training
The assignments set by ERMC include essays, shorter written pieces, and projects. Candidates are expected to produce original work, and quotations or any other material taken from other sources must be acknowledged. Wherever possible, written assignments should be typed and sent in a word document.
If you are coming to this kind of work for the first time or returning to it after a long break, you may find the discipline of writing and studying alone quite difficult. You may be disappointed by your marks. Do not despair! What you are learning cannot by measured only by a mark. The process of studying the Bible and how other people have believed, engaging with new ideas and formulating your thoughts will enrich your ministry. It will help you to understand your faith more deeply and to offer the Gospel to people in different ways.
Completion of modules
You should try to make steady progress through the academic modules, agreeing with your chaplain a realistic deadline for each assignment in the module and seeking to keep to that deadline. Each of these modules must be completed within their respective year.
If you find that you are falling behind with your studies, you may find that negotiating specific deadlines for assignments with your chaplain will help you to keep to your schedule.
If possible, plan regular meetings with your support group at which you share what you have been reading and learning. This discipline will help to keep you motivated.
If you are worried that your marks indicate that you are not coping with the course, please contact the Director of Reader Ministry.
Candidates who are not managing to complete their modules will be invited to review their Reader in Training status.