Here is a selection of hints, tips, reminders and offerings as we journey through Advent and Christmas … And a competition for you to take part in...
Here is a selection of hints, tips, reminders and offerings as we journey through Advent and Christmas … And a competition for you to take part in...
Bishop Robert’s Christmas Message to the diocese tells us of “God’s greatest ever gift to the world”.
Please do share this with your chaplaincies and in your newsletters
"I wonder as I wander" say the words of the carol which invites us on the journey to Jesus through Advent and Christmas.
Here is a compilation of celebrations across chaplaincies in the diocese from Advent through to Christmas and Epiphany. With great thanks to the...
The greatest and most loving gift we celebrate at this time of the year is the very birth of Our Lord.
The chaplain at St Andrew's, The Revd Canon Malcolm Rogers and newly ordained deacon, The Revd Glen Ruffle share this update with us on the Bishop's...
Results of the Diocesan Synod elections 2024
St. Edmund’s in Oslo, hosted and led the Church of England weekly online Sunday service this week. Revd Canon Joanna Udal, Senior Chaplain to the...
Looking for great ways to use social media platforms to share your chaplaincy stories, community events, news? Read on...