Diocese in Europe Youth Network Webinar: 9th December
The Diocese in Europe Youth Network will be holding its next webinar on Monday, 9th December, 19:00-20:00 CET.
The Revd Richard Bromley tells us more:
At the next Webinar we will be exploring how the church can equip and support parents, grandparents, children and youth workers... to enable children and young people connect with God in the everyday.
Our guest speaker will be Rachel Turner from Bible Reading Fellowships (BRF) Parenting for Faith unit. Rachel Turner has been a full-time children's and family’s worker and the National Children's Work Coordinator for New Wine, and continues to consult, speak at conferences and run training days for parents, children and youth workers around the UK and Europe. She is the author of the Parenting Children for a Life of Faith series, It Takes a Church to Raise a Parent: Creating a culture where parenting for faith can flourish. She also contributes regularly to podcasts on this subject and more on the BRF website.
She writes, ‘nurturing children in the Christian faith is a privilege given to all of us whose prime job it is to raise children. God's desire is that our parenting should guide each child to meet and know him, and to live with him every day through to eternity. Parenting Children for a Life of Faith explores how the home can become the primary place in which children are nurtured into the reality of God's presence and love, equipped to access him themselves and encouraged to grow in a two-way relationship with him that will last a lifetime. The basic principle behind the ideas explored is that we need to model for our children what it means to be in a relationship with God rather than just equipping them to know about him - helping our children to be God-connected rather than just God-smart’.
In our chaplaincies where children and young people may have less Christian support, the role of parents is crucial and how we equip them and others to confidently support their children in faith is a vital task.
If you or someone from your chaplaincy would like to join in please email Diane Robson, diane.robson@holytrinity.be and she will send you the log in details.