Safeguarding training
Safeguarding training is an important part of the Church's commitment to making churches safe through the promotion of healthy church culture and good preventative safeguarding practices. Because safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, in this section you will find information about training courses which are open to everyone.
For clergy and lay church officers, there is a pathway or training progression programme based on your role. The Core Pathway consists of the Basic Awareness, Foundations and Leadership courses. Other issue-based training courses include:
- Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
- Safer Recruitment & People Management, and
- Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking.
To find out what training modules you need for your role, please refer to the Chaplaincy Roles Checklist.
Training must be refreshed every three years by repeating the highest-level course of the Core Pathway relevant to your role. Ensuring that Safeguarding Learning is up to date helps embed a culture where people feel safe and abuse can be spotted and dealt with in an appropriate and timely fashion. All current safeguarding policy and practice guidance has been approved by the House of Bishops and must, where relevant, be followed by all Church Bodies and Church Officers.
Still not sure what training you need? That's OK, please direct your enquiries to our Training Coordinator via email. We will always be happy to help where we can.
"…our aim is to promote a community where everyone has an equal voice, where all are valued and supported, and everyone feels that they have the right to question and will be listened to if they have concerns of any kind, so that our church becomes an inclusive place where all are deeply committed to the care and protection of one another..."
A churchwarden in France
Core Pathway Training

Basic Awareness & Foundations courses