User Guide - Continuing Ministerial development notes for licensed clergy and readers
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This User Guide provides information on the application of the Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) Fund to assist Chaplains and Readers (including at the discretion of the Archdeacon those in training for ordained or reader ministry).
The funding of CMD is by means of an annual contribution from all Chaplaincies to a central Archdeaconry/Deanery resource. The level of contribution (per chaplain/Licensed reader) for each chaplaincy is set by Diocesan Synod. The current level of contribution can be obtained from the Diocesan secretary.
The following approach is to be followed
- CMD grants are available for all licensed clergy and readers in the Diocese (including at the archdeacon’s discretion, those in training..
- The level of grant is at the discretion of the Archdeacon and as a general rule should not exceed the level of the annual contribution per Clergy/reader within a Chaplaincy. The Archdeacon has the discretion for this to accrue over a period typically of three years.
- The grant is to enable attendance at courses, programs etc which enable the participant to broaden their knowledge of or skill in aspects of Christian ministry. At the discretion of the Archdeacon this may include attendance at Clergy chapter or Cluster meetings where there is a significant element of ‘training/education’ involved and for language training to assist in their local ministry
- Travelling expenses may be covered by the grant, as well as the actual course fee. The grant may be used to buy books for the specific course.
- Readers, prior to applying for a grant, should consult with their chaplain or priest-in-charge to seek approval for their CMD proposal.
- Application for a grant should be made to the Archdeacon using the Continuing Ministerial Development Grant Request Form. (As CMD funds are banked or held in different ways in different archdeaconries, the Archdeacon will arrange for the authorized grant to be made from the appropriate source).
- When grants are made, a personal reflection on the learning made, not to exceed one page, should be sent to the Archdeacon, with a copy to the Suffragan Bishop’s Office, for the Ministry Team files.
- A grant can be considered for the purchase of theological books or journals for a regime of private CMD study which is agreed with the Director of Ministerial Development.
- A grant can be considered for attendance at a gathering that is not strictly a training event if the educational benefit can be demonstrated.
- Time spent on approved CMD events does not count as part of holiday entitlement.