Bishop Robert and Bishop David have expressed their delight in being able to share the good news that the next Dean of the Cathedral Church of the...
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St George's, Lisbon recently had a memorable Sunday with Stephen Cottrell, the Archbishop of York, presiding over Eucharist in the morning, followed...
We are looking for two experienced individuals who are excited about combining the roles of supporting and leading existing worshipping communities
Holy Trinity Church Maisons Laffitte and chaplain Revd Charlotte Sullivan welcomed the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell and his wife Rebecca on...
For the first time since war broke out over a year ago, a Eucharist was celebrated at Christ Church, Kyiv.
You will be supported by a committed and enthusiastic team in the form of the Church Council, the Churchwardens, as well as the congregation. A warm
We are a warm congregation, with a committed, enthusiastic PCC, dedicated church wardens offering exciting opportunity to lead our mission and
Archdeacon Leslie Nathaniel represented Archbishop Justin Welby at St Ephrem’s Syriac Orthodox Church opening in Istanbul, celebrating interfaith...
The Revd. Derek Goddard passed away peacefully at his home on Wednesday 17 January 2024. He was priest-in-charge at Holy Cross Anglican Church...
Are you interested in leading a multi-national, inclusive English speaking community in our beautiful, historic city, in guiding and expanding our
The Redon congregation meet twice a month at 10.30 for services in English.
The congregation is made up of families with teenagers and a number of...
You are welcome to join our small worshipping community as we meet in a small chapel belonging to the Catholic Church, on Sunday afternoons at 4.30 pm...
As a chaplaincy of the Church of England in Europe, Christ Church Amsterdam is committed to the Church’s official policies concerning safeguarding of...